Gas Analysis for Emissions, Efficiency, Safety and R&D
FPT can help our industrial partners improve Environmental Compliance, achieve Process Efficiency Gains, minimise Health and Safety risks and discover valuable Investigatory information to aid Research and Development through measurement.
We take care to consider the conditions associated with different applications. Component parts are selected from the marketplace and integrated to deliver the correct solution which matches the operational and reporting needs of specific customers.
Applications can be divided up into 4 Core Measurement Areas, with a number of sub-groups with different scale and needs:
1 Emissions Monitoring – CEMS / AMS
(a) MCERTS Certified emissions monitoring
Where regulatory compliance calls for implementation of certified monitoring systems and reporting of measured data to national standards.
Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS) or Automated Measurement Systems (AMS) with certification to MCERTS EN15267
(b) Non-MCERTS Certified emissions monitoring
Where emissions and process information are required to demonstrate good operating regimes to Local Inspectors and Operations Managers.
CEMS or AMS Systems where certification is not necessarily required, generally regulated by Local Authorities.
(c) SWIP – Small Waste Incinerator
SWIPs are a special category for emissions where IED/WID conditions can be applied to LA regulated operations. Typically they are small waste wood combustions systems, managed on a small scale basis to generate heat and power, and also help reduce waste transfer and landfill burden.
(d) Filter plant emissions (quantitative)
Individual particulate sensors, or an array of networkable sensors, can be deployed and calibrated to national standards to provide quantitative acquisition of particulates emissions typically on the outlets of filter plants. Smart Datahubs can be used to collect the measured signals and prepare automatically populated reports which can be presented to regulators.
(e) Filter plant emissions (indicative)
In its simplest form, calibratable particulate sensors can be placed on filter outlets to provide operators with rapid notification of a sudden drop in filter efficiency, which would indicate a leak or a burst filter bag. Leak location, burst bag detection, compartment monitoring can be enhanced by using network capability of sensor array and smart Dathubs to gather and collate signals.
2 Process Efficiency Measurements
Fuel efficiency is more important than ever! The search for the sweet spot of optimum combustion efficiency is directed by CO, CO2 and O2 measurements – or a combination of all. VOC and H2 measurement may become more important as we transition into the hydrogen economy.
(b) Abatement Plant Efficiency
Clean-up of flue gases prior to final emission to atmosphere is an essential part of a modern industrial process. Optimisation of Sorbent injection systems for acid gas reduction or NH3/Urea injection for DeNOx processes can be supervised dynamically in order to control the cost of dosing and neutralising agents.
The target is to optimise fuel efficiency, while making measurements in a very high temperature zone. O2, CO, CO2 and Temperature are key process optimisation parameters with instruments adapted for high temperatures through use of ceramic materials and special optical laser tuning.
Whether it is grey, blue or green hydrogen production, gas analysis is essential for reliable process control. PSA for refineries, fuel blending, H2 electrolysers, hydrogen re-fueling all require online robust and often ATEX certified analysers.
Asset protection by determination of the acid dewpoint – temperature at which acids will condense out of process gases. It is possible to measure temperature at which acids will condense from the gas phase, or measure the contributors like SO2, SO3, O2 and H2O to get a fine picture of process dynamics.
3 Health & Safety Measurements
(a) Fire and Explosion prevention
Safety is always at the top of our customers’ priorities. Risks in process operation are usually identified during HAZOP assessments and mitigation strategies put in place. Process gas measurement can form an important role in providing advance warning of a hazard developing. CO measurement provides an indicator of the onset of combustion. O2 measurement provides assurance that combustion or explosion conditions are not met. LEL measurement of key compounds or general VOC measurement provides indication of the fuel element of the combustion triangle. ATEX certified equipment can be deployed when a hazard is assessed to remove, contain or nullify the ignition source.
(b) Occupational Health
Assessment and control of exposure to substances hazardous to human health is paramount to safe working. The UK HSE provides accessible and detailed guidance for operators to refer to. It is an ongoing area of research and improvement, and as we learn more about potential hazards, develop innovative processes and use a wider range of materials, there is a need for instrumentation to provide the early warnings of exposure. Ambient measurements provide information about respirable dusts. Electrochemical gas sensors, TDLAS, FID, QMS can all be deployed to detect general or specific compounds.
(c) Gas Detection
Is it safe to enter? Gas Detection systems usually consist of one or many sensors which will rapidly respond to a rising or falling concentration and a way of raising an alert. They provide the instant signal for operators for a “GO / NO GO” decision
4 Investigation & R&D
(a) Portable Combustion Analysers
Versatile investigation tool, quick to commission, applicable for many different combustion applications
(b) Custom Measurement Systems
New applications can demand feasibility and investigation resulting in the need to re-configure and existing measurement systems – applicable with TDLAS, QMS and other measurement techniques.